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My Plexus Story

Before I tell my story, I just want to say that whether you're considering Plexus for sustained weight loss or for another reason, it is definitely worth your time to spend some time learning what Plexus is and what it does. Chances are, you'll be delighted when you learn just how many ways Plexus can help you: from providing increased energy and resolving food sensitivites to eliminating joint discomfort and skin conditions. Plexus will strengthen your body so that your body can heal itself.

Now for my story:  My name is Joyce, and for almost 20 years I have struggled with chronic feelings of deep sadness and despair. Pregnancy and post-partum emotions continually increased the darkness of my “cloud" and the size of my clothing!


After four pregnancies and a way-too-long emotional roller coaster ride, I finally called my doctor and had him call in a prescription for me. After several years of medication, I stopped taking my prescription because of all the miserable side effects. I found an awesome natural doctor who prescribed some nutritional products that improved my well-being by about 20% - which was significantly better than what I had been experiencing, but it wasn’t enough. I was still miserable.

Every time I was able to lose any weight, I would gain it right back with a vengeance. I wasn’t sleeping well. I had no energy.

I ate sugar and carbs constantly just to feel like I could function. I was in an overall “funk” that I couldn’t shake. My life became a daily battle just to accomplish the most basic of tasks.


My friend introduced me to Plexus, and I was intrigued. She said it helped her eradicate her baby blues, it helped her feel less anxious about stressful situations, and it helped her lose 20 pounds in four months without exercising. After hearing several in-person testimonials and discovering a variety of Plexus testimonials on Facebook, I researched all of the ingredients. What I found truly surprised me, so I ordered the recommended products and started taking them as soon as they arrived.


Within two weeks, the dark cloud that had hung over me for almost 20 years decreased by about 80%. I was STUNNED. Not only that, for the first time in about 15 years, I had energy – not energy from an unhealthy source; but rather real, natural energy. My brain clarity increased. I lost my desire for desserts. Then my craving for vegetables increased. This was not the same body I thought I knew!


I kept noticing improvement after improvement, so I decided to compile a list:


  • My "dark cloud" has now been reduced by 90%

  • I have increased energy

  • My knee pain has significantly decreased

  • My "brain fog" is gone

  • My sugar cravings are gone

  • I've started craving vegetables

  • I've lost weight

  • I have actual motivation to do things

  • My heel (foot) pain is gone

  • My overall well-being has improved

  • I get deep, restful sleep at night

  • I am able to fall asleep quickly


Because these kind of results are life-changing, I want to share Plexus with you; I want you to experience your own set of profound results. I have researched the products thoroughly and I know that Plexus is offering high-quality nutritional products that truly strengthen the body. Knowing where I was versus where I am now, I am happy to continue taking Plexus so my body can continue to heal itself.


Plexus is SO much more than the results that I’ve found. Please join me on this journey and discover what Plexus can do

for you.

What is Plexus?

Plexus consists of five main products: Plexus Slim, Bio Cleanse, Pro Bio 5, XFactor, and MegaX. Other products are available to help with specific issues. If you haven't tried this combo of Plexus, you have not experienced what Plexus has to offer. 

Plexus Slim is a “pink drink” that balances blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It also decreases appetite, increases metabolism, and releases heavy metals from the body.

Bio Cleanse is a daily-cleanse capsule which makes it so you don’t have to go on a week-long or a multi-week “cleanse.” Essentially, little scrubbers clean the gunk out of your intestines and colon gently, and daily, so that you get the benefits of a cleanse without ever having to “go on a cleanse.” It also cleanses the arteries and nourishes the body with magnesium and oxygen, leaving the body in a beneficial alkaline state.

Pro Bio 5 is an amazing three-in-one capsule. It contains a powerful probiotic (with 4 billion healthy bacteria per average dose), it contains an enzyme to break through the hard Candida yeast shell, and it also contains an anti-fungal to attack 24 types of fungi that do not belong in our bodies.

XFactor is a super-charged, FULLY METHYLATED vitamin capsule that increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals by up to 300%. The result of using this product is great hair (or regrowth of hair) with significantly fewer split ends, glowing skin, strong nails, and an overall increased sense of well-being.


MegaX is an complete omega source that fuels the brain. Because it's plant-based, there are no fishy burps and it is from a sustainable source. Consuming omegas is a fantastic way to help reduce stress, increase brain function, and promote overall heart health. Those who use MegaX at bedtime find that they are able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer - resulting in a deep, restorative night of sleep.

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Daily use of these five products yields truly impressive results by bringing your body into balance so that your body can function the way it was intended to function. The side-effect of these products for most people is weight loss (unless they need to gain weight).

How do I know if Plexus will work for me?

My Plexus journey was unique. Yours will be unique, too. These stories should give you a reasonable idea of what Plexus customers experience.

Ashley's Endocrinologist is now a Plexus believer!

A couple of years ago, a lump was found on Ashley’s throat. Although it wasn't cancerous, her lab work showed signs of things that they needed to monitor closely every few months. This was right around the time she started Plexus. Two years later, she left her follow-up appointment in happy tears!! Her endocrinologist walked in and told her that she had officially made her a Plexus believer because Ashley’s current thyroid level is PERFECT! The endocrinologist said it was very rare that it turned around so quickly, (especially without medication) and that Ashley’s immune system went from trying to attack itself, to working perfectly!

Laura had difficulty sleeping and near-constant feelings of worry and stress

Those of you who know Laura know how long she's struggled to sleep well and how long she’s experienced frequent feelings of worry and stress. When she was introduced to Plexus, she was very skeptical.  She decided to give it try because she was all out of ideas. She was so tired of putting unsafe prescription medications into her body every day just to be able to fall asleep or get through the day without a panic attack. Now she sleeps through the night EVERY NIGHT! This is a “first” for her! She’s used to sleeping restlessly for 3-4 hours a night, and sometimes not at all. It was awful! She’s also had much more calm thoughts and feelings over the last 2 months. She is delighted that someone introduced her to these amazing products! She would much rather put all natural, plant-based supplements in her body every day than the dangerous prescription meds she was using! She now sleeps great, has much calmer thoughts and feelings, and way more energy for her busy life!

Sara's life has COMPLETELY changed

Sara joined Plexus in January of 2015. At the time, she suffered with constant feelings of low self worth, panic attacks, nerve pain throughout her body, lower back and hip pain, a need for insulin injections, legs that would not remain calm, bulging pouches in her colon, difficulty with abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and high cholesterol for years. She was in so much pain she could no longer hike with her family. She knew she was too young to feel the way she did. Every time she went to the doctor, she only left with despair and another prescription. It is embarrassing for her to say that when she started Plexus she was taking 16 prescriptions. But... she’s very excited to say that she is now off of 13 prescriptions. She has not had a nerve flare-up, her back feels great, her cholesterol dropped 39 points in 90 days. She no longer needs to inject insulin. Her moods are wonderful and her energy is even better. She is making plans for the future again. She has lost 18 pounds and 20 inches. Plexus has changed her life! She prayed for 6 years for God to bring something into her life to make her whole again and He gave her something WAY better than she had ever hoped for!

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If you’re not sure how Plexus will help with your ailments, I recommend a Facebook search of the ailment or symptom in question. For example, if you want to lose some weight, use the Facebook search box and type “plexus weight loss” and read through the testimonials that real customers have expressed. Review their testimonials to see if you think Plexus can help resolve your ailments. When you find out, like I did, that Plexus is as amazing as it appears to be, please join us on your journey to great health!

These are the things Plexus works to accomplish:


  • Stabilize blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol

  • Reduce systemic inflammation

  • Increase gut health


When you address these issues by nutritionally strengthening your body, many symptoms requiring medication (either prescription medication or over-the-counter treatments) can be resolved. That doesn’t mean that they’re resolved instantly, but you likely didn't get these symptoms instantly, either. It took time to develop your current issues, and it will take time to resolve them naturally. Realistically, the more severe your symptoms are, the longer it will take for your body to heal itself.  Some issues will be resolved in months, more serious problems may take a year or longer.


Many people question whether taking nutritional products can make that much of a difference since we’ve all taken vitamins at some point in our lives, and we didn’t necessarily feel any different. It’s not that these ingredients are anything new; it’s that the combined synergy of the ingredients yields truly impressive results. Consider the ingredients for your favorite recipe. By themselves, they may be nothing special, but when combined at the right time and in the right amounts, the results can be amazing!  Plexus works the same way.

What if Plexus could change everything?

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